Bring in a large volume of traffic to your tenants and amaze your guests with our large bubble festivals!
We understand retail centers inside and out, and place emphasis on creating value for tenants. Our events create tremendous traffic, and many tenants benefit from big sales increases before, during and after our events.
Most properties encourage stores and restaurants to take advantage of this increased traffic to get their message out by setting up a display in the event area and offering specials, sampling, games and product demos.
Your shopping center can feature the following stations and more!
What kid doesn’t want to be placed in a giant bubble?
Here we stretch the laws of physics by creating a giant bubble around our young guests!
This is a must have photo opportunity and our featured station that will have your kids remembering the event for years to come!
Definitely have your camera handy for this one!
Kids get their creativity popping with a make-it and take-it project!
Using a variety of objects like pipe cleaners, straws, and yarn, the BubbleManiacs help kids make their very own take-home bubble wand in whatever color, size, and shape they create.
We've had children keep their bubble wands for years!
Kids love shapes, and this Fun Station provides the opportunity to create and test a huge assortment of bubble wands in different shapes and sizes.
No matter how big, or how unusual the shape, the resulting bubble is always a sphere. This station reinforces lessons about shapes, allows preschoolers to comprehend comparisons between sizes, and teaches kids about the physics of why bubbles are always round.
When we say we make enormous bubbles - we mean it!
Watch the awe in your children's faces as they witness and get to create bubbles larger than they ever imagined!
Another amazing photo opportunity!
Little Picassos try their hand at a new kind of painting--Bubble Art. This station is equipped with kid-size easels which each young guest uses with bubble wands and bubble guns, plus a variety of colored bubble fluids, to make their own take-home creation. This station is ideal for sponsorship by a supermarket, health food, art, or craft tenant. Due to popularity, this is typically presented as a double-size Fun Station.
Anything can be used to make bubbles...the more unusual the item, the better! Kids are invited to help repurpose a variety of recycled and reusable items which can all be used to make some very creative bubbles! Our recycling bins are over owing with plastic containers, coat hangers, plumbing parts, kitchen utensils, flyswatters, takeout containers from restaurants in the shopping center, hardware, and more. Ideal sponsorship opportunity for a local municipality promoting recycling or waste hauling company.
Our Bubble Shop has the best selection on Earth of unique bubble souvenirs, educational materials, and more. Whether it’s a bubble gun shaped like a dinosaur or a fire engine, or take-home big bubbles kits, we have a quality item for everyone at reasonable prices.
Big Bubbles are the most spectacular part of BubbleManiacs® events and draw a crowd. The Big Bubbles Show combines the visual excitement of giant bubbles--some as long as a bus, or as much as six feet in diameter, with audience participation. Kids and adults are taught how to use our professional bubble-making tools, and we mix our special formulations of bubble fluid live so guests see exactly how they can make their own at home.
Our foam zones can easily handle events with thousands of guests. We provide multiple cannons and fill any large area with cool, clean and refreshing foam. We crank up some tunes and everyone has an epic dance party in a mountain of foam!
We typically partner with a local radio station, children’s musician, DJ, TV personality, or other dynamic performer to provide music, emcee duties, and present interactive bubble-themed games and competitions which we provide. This is a great sponsorship opportunity with a local media partner, and there are multiple options for small prize sponsorship for tenants for game and contest winners.
Call us at (602) 324-9550 to learn more about our large scale bubble festivals!
Click the button below to contact us and reserve your event date!